A call for an anti-feminist march has begun to circulate on social media. The initiative is organized by the groups United Spartans and Alpha Male Star, and it is planned to take place on the same day as the traditional 8M march. The organizers aim to protest against what they consider "vandalism by feminist collectives that affects the common citizen" and intend to form an "anti-feminist wall" to block the passage of the contingents participating in the march for women's rights.
The anti-feminist march is scheduled to start at the Estela de Luz at 12:00 PM and advance along Paseo de la Reforma until meeting with the 8M protesters. The organizers emphasize that their goal is to make a claim against what they consider "vandalism" during feminist protests, arguing that certain actions of feminist collectives have a negative impact on society as a whole. Although it is assured that the demonstration will be peaceful, it is expected that encounters between both groups may lead to verbal or physical confrontations due to the polarization the issue has generated in society.
According to the call, participants should wear a blue T-shirt and black pants and carry placards with printed messages. The initiative has received support from those who believe that feminist marches have adopted a tone of aggression and disorder, disregarding the opinions of other sectors of society. However, the proposal has raised concern among feminist activists and citizens, who fear that the anti-march may disrupt the peaceful character of the 8M commemoration and increase tension between different social groups in the country.
This March 8, International Women's Day, it is expected that the proposed mobilization will generate controversy and tensions among the various groups involved.